Destabilising evidence: a micro-anatomical investigation of penile suspensory ligaments (PSL) using epoxy sheet plastination and confocal microscopy

Ross Calopedos

Department of Urology, Macquarie University Hospital, Sydney, Austria

The precise anatomy of the penile suspensory ligaments (PSL) remains controversial. Proponents of penile enlargement surgery (PES) ensure that the “superficial” PSL allows desired distraction between phallus and pubic symphysis without risking instability. However, significant sexual dysfunction from PSL deficiency after PES has been reported. This project aimed to reveal the in-situ PSL mesoscopic anatomy. We found that the subpubic PSL is the only component that directly connects the corporal tunica albuginea with public symphysis. Further studies are required to better characterise the retropubic PSL insertion and may lead to new insights into the origin and architecture of penile fascia. (100 words)